Certify The Web - CheckDNS error resolving DnsSecRecursiveDdnsResolver?

I have installed Certify SSL/TLS Certificate Manager onto my windows server. I am trying to add a wildcard certificate for *.staging1.mydomain.co.nz

When I click Test, it tells me that CheckDNS has resolved to an IP Address, and it tells me that I have created the TXT record successfully.

However, I am getting an error on one of the DNS checks: CheckDNS error resolving DnsSecRecursiveDdnsResolver. Count not resolve staging1.mydomain.co.nz

My websites are hosted at websitecode.staging1.mydomain.co.nz

What do I need to do to get this to work?


Hi, I’ve responded to your SO question in case it helps others. We should make this a warning rather than an error.

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