Filezilla Server PS Script

Well I am grateful that certifytheweb has the post scripts. One product takes care of my family website, rdp box AND now the TLS for my FTP server.

Thanks and hope that this helps some other users, I figured out the answers to some of my questions, here’s my working script with notes that can be configured below:

# Alias to your OpenSSL install
set-alias ossl "d:\utils\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\openssl" 

# Update keypath to where your keys will be saved a nd their names.
$keypath = "D:\docs\certs\"
$key = $keypath + "letsencrypt.key"
$rsakey = $keypath + "letsencrypt_rsa.key"
$pem = $keypath + "letsencrypt.pem"

# Get the latest PFX file path
$pfx = $result.ManagedItem.CertificatePath

# Create the Key, RSA Key, and PEM file. Use the RSA Key & PEM for FileZilla
ossl pkcs12 -in $pfx -out $key -nocerts -nodes -passin pass:
ossl rsa -in $key -out $rsakey
ossl pkcs12 -in $pfx -out $pem -nokeys -clcerts -passin pass: