CTW is not seeing my certificates

I have just installed CTW to try to get something done that Win-ACME does not seem to do. But CTW is not seeing my certificates (all created with Let’s Encrypt). I would think it could see them, but it doesn’t. And when I used the Quick Start, much of the interface is disabled and I have a domain called dependencymanager.com that is showing up and I have no idea what that is. Basically, this Quick Start is doing nothing for me and is confusing. I’m running it as admin in WinServer 2019, so it would seem to have the necessary rights to see what it needs to see. I can’t get anywhere with this Quick Start. What’s the trick here?

Hi, Quick Start is a short in app tutorial that shows screenshots of how to basically get a certificate. It is not a certificate wizard.

To get started click New Certificate and go from there.

Generally if you have an existing IIS site you would click New Certificate (first time you need to register with the CA, which is Let’s by default), select your IIS site from the dropdown to auto populate the domains to include on your cert, then click Request Certificate to attempt your certificate order using the default HTTP domain validation.

If external certificate managers are enabled in settings you will also see a summary of win-acme managed certs on the left list of managed certificates.

Thanks. I don’t recall ever seeing a tutorial being called Quick Start. That term is generally used for actually getting someone going on some software and really accomplishing something. I guess with that in mind, I just missed what it’s really doing. They ought to rename that to help make it more clear as to what they are doing. Anyway, I did get my task accomplished. In spite of that confusing bit, I will probably check into CTW more thoroughly and see if I like it better than Win-ACME’s character-based interface. Thanks, again.

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