Deploy cert to IIS and Apache/Nginx

I’ve seen similar questions, but maybe not quite the same.
We have a wildcard cert that’s used for IIS and Apache servers in two clusters. How can I get the cert and deploy to both environments without having to manually move files or manually run scripts?


For sharing across multiple IIS servers we recommend using CCS (Centralized Certificate Store) and the Deploy to CCS task. Just like Hi, new to the system - #2 by webprofusion

See also Deployment Tasks | Certify The Web Docs

For Apache etc you can use the Deploy to Apache task (or Deploy to Generic Server which is much the same), configure it for SSH, and set the remote fullchain.pem and private key file paths, then configure apache to use those. You may also want a script task (again configured for ssh) to restart/reload apache. You can also set tasks to be manual start, for instance if you only want to run them during a specific maintenance window.