DNS-Challange with EuroDNS

Does anyone know a way to automate the DNS-Challange with Euro-DNS?

Hi, we don’t have a EuroDNS API provider built in but you could consider trying to contribute one to Posh-ACME then we could include it: Supported Plugins - Posh-ACME

If you already have a script that can update a TXT record on EuroDNS then you can use the custom scripting option: DNS Scripting | Certify The Web Docs

Another alternative is DNS challenge CNAME delegation using Certify DNS (where you point a CNAME at our hosted service and it answers the CAs challenge for you). Certify DNS | Certify The Web Docs

Or you could use CNAME delegation to another zone that has a supported API (cloudflare, aws route 53 etc). DNS Validation (dns-01) | Certify The Web Docs