Go Daddy Cert Renews Zone ID issue

I have a certificate issued by GoDaddy, used on a local web. Our domain is not hosted by GoDaddy. I populated the correct key and secret. I don’t get a drop-down list for Zone Id. I have tried the domain for the cert, but when testing I get:
Failed [MicFailed [GoDaddy DNS API]: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: oldValue
at System.String.Replace(String oldValue, String newValue)
at Certify.Models.Providers.DnsProviderBase.NormaliseRecordName(DnsRecord info, String recordName) in D:\a\certify-service\certify-service\src\certify-build\certify\src\Certify.Models\Providers\IDnsProvider.cs:line 133
at Certify.Providers.DNS.GoDaddy.DnsProviderGoDaddy.d__33.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Certify.Core.Management.Challenges.DnsChallengeHelper.d__4.MoveNext() in D:\a\certify-service\certify-service\src\certify-build\certify\src\Certify.Core\Management\Challenges\DNS\DnsChallengeHelper.cs:line 196

Hi, I can confirm the GoDaddy API has been workign for about 3 years but I have noticed that it doesn’t clean up DNS TXT records, which is something that needs attention.

If the dropdown list of DNS zones does not populate when you click the … next to Zone Id then there’s something wrong with your API credentials and you won’t be able to proceed any further until you can correct that.

Your zone id for GoDaddy is generally your domain name but if that list doesn’t populate your credentials are not working. The thing that’s failing is trying to use your credentials to list the zones on your account.

There is a test for the GoDaddy credentials under Settings > Stored Credentials > click on your GoDaddy credentials and click ‘Test’