Has SCP Support been implemented?

Hey there,

Trying to set up a new task but cant export the cert because the device only supports SCP.

Has support been implemented yet? I did see a post a couple of years ago talking about it?

If not, how are people deploying their certs?


No it hasn’t been added yet but you could call scp from the command line in a script (powershell or cmd). If you use the Deploy to Generic Server task to export the files you need, then you could then scp them to the destination.

Ok thanks for that :slight_smile:

EDIT: Actually one other question.

If I have one task to export the cert and then another to do the transfer, how can I sequence that? Make sure its one after the other. Do the tasks run one after the other?


2023-02-14 03_08_00-Certify SSL_TLS Certificate Management Community Edition

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