Currently have the licensed version of CTW installed, and the license is due to expire. Given the server won’t be in use in a few months time, we would like to revert to the community edition. Can the current version be left in place (4 certs) and function once the license expires or is there a need to uninstall and replace with community edition?
Hi, when you have license queries it’s best to email the helpdesk at support {at} certifytheweb.com
, the community forum is mainly intended for community support questions from unlicensed users.
You can revert to community edition immediately by choosing About > Deactivate Install in the app, or if your license expires the app will revert to community edition features with a warning that the license has expired when you start up the app. Thereafter existing certs will renew as normal but you will be unable to add more past the community edition limits.