First off, excellent work on this application. I have found it incredibly useful and it was very intuitive to get started. Thank you!
I have a Post-Request script that does two main functions:
First in starts a transcript to log the output:
Start-Transcript -Path “$PSScriptRoot$($iso8601)_CertifyPost-DIRECTACCESS_Transcript.txt”
Then in imports the certificate into Windows Remote Access:
$Cert = Get-ChildItem -Path cert:\localmachine\my | Where-Object Thumbprint -eq $result.ManagedItem.CertificateThumbprintHash
Set-RemoteAccess -SslCertificate $Cert -Verbose
Everything works as expected when I hit the TEST button next to the script. However, when I renew the certificate, the Transcript log is created with the header, but there is no captured output. Also, the certificate is not installed in Remote Access.
The only difference that I can see (from the Transcript) is that the the script is running as the logged in user when I hit the TEST button, but it is running as SYSTEM when it runs automatically. I am guessing this is because the Service is running as the SYSTEM account. I was going to try to switch the user account for the Service but I wasn’t sure if that would have any negative effects, plus I would prefer not to.
Any thoughts?