Scripting Advice on Win Server 2016


I have CTW running just fine with IIS though I would like to use the certs for FileZilla and also my small email server.

I have read that the certs and held within a pfx file in the “C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\SSL_Certs” folder

I did find a small instruction in this forum for FileZilla and aslo for extracting the certs inside the pfx but I can’t get it to work.
My locations are…
OpenSSL is located at - C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64
Where the pfx file is located - C:\ProgramData\Certify\certes\assets\pfx
Where I want to store the extracted cert files - C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\SSL_Certs
CTW installed at C:\Program Files\CertifyTheWeb

Here is the powershell script
# required to access the $result parameter

# Alias to your OpenSSL install
**set-alias ossl “C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl” **

# set PFXFILEPATH in Enviro Variables to C:\ProgramData\Certify\certes\assets\pfx
# set PRIVATEKEYPATH in Enviro Variables to "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\SSL_Certs
# set CERTPATH in Enviro Variables to "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\SSL_Certs
ossl pkcs12 -in %PFXFILEPATH% -nocerts -nodes -passin pass: -out %PRIVATEKEYPATH%
ossl pkcs12 -in %PFXFILEPATH% -chain -nokeys -nodes -passin pass: -out %CERTPATH%

# Update keypath to where your keys will be saved and their names.
$keypath = "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\SSL_Certs"
$key = $keypath + "letsencrypt.key"
$rsakey = $keypath + "letsencrypt_rsa.key"
$pem = $keypath + "letsencrypt.pem"

# Get the latest PFX file path
$pfx = $result.ManagedItem.CertificatePath

# Create the Key, RSA Key, and PEM file. Use the RSA Key & PEM for FileZilla
ossl pkcs12 -in $pfx -out $key -nocerts -nodes -passin pass:
ossl rsa -in $key -out $rsakey
ossl pkcs12 -in $pfx -out $pem -nokeys -clcerts -passin pass:

Any ideas why it does not work.

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Hi, you mention that you can’t get it to work - does it just not create the file where you expect it? Can you run the script manually from the PowerShell ISE and replace the $result.ManagedItem.CertificatePath with the actual path to a sample pfx? Can the app write to the output path or does that folder need special permissions (the background service runs as Local System).

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Be careful with double-quotes that are copied from things that like to mangle them. This text contains \u201C and \u201D. A standard double-quote is \u0022. Maybe PowerShell doesn’t care, but I would not risk it.

Are you actually setting the environment variables listed in the comments? I don’t think you’d be able to set the PFXFILEPATH variable correctly as it is dynamic. Also, what’s the point of doing the conversion here and down below separately? I would advise removing this section and only do the conversion down below that uses the $pfx variable.

Lastly, this may or may not be a problem… but your PEM only has the immediate client certificate. Some clients need more help in the form of the entire certificate chain. Consider replacing the -clcerts flag with -chain. I don’t think it will hurt anything to include more.

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The good news is that the next version of the app will have this type of thing (export in various formats to the location of your choice, even remote windows/linux etc) available as a deployment step with a UI to go with it. The bad news it’s that release is probably still a couple of months away.

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Has that new release happened just yet?

Hi, no the new version isn’t out yet but is still expected this year.

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I need to subscribe to the repository on GitHub, I think. after all, still need to complete accessibility testing.