I’m trying to automate the process of creating and renewing TLS certificates for my VMware vCenter servers using Certify the web and PowerShell. I want to use PowerShell to push the certificates to the vCenter servers after they are created or renewed by Certify the web. Does anyone have any experience or tips on how to do this? Here is what I have so far:
param($result) # Required to access the $result parameter
#Loads all Module(s)
Try { Import-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -ErrorAction Stop }
Catch { Write-Host "Unable to load VMware.PowerCLI module, Please, run 'Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -AllowClobber -Force'" -ForegroundColor Red; Exit }
if ($result.IsSuccess) {
# Edit Variables Below
$FQDM = "vcenter.vmware.com" # E.G. vcenter.vmware.com
$vCenterUsername = "username"
$vCenterPassword = "Your_Password"
# Do Not Edit Below This Point
# Setup to connect to a VMware vCenter.
$vCenterConnection = Connect-VIServer -Server $FQDM -User $vCenterUsername -Password $vCenterPassword
# Connect to a VMware vCenter
# Getting new certs
$certificatePem = Get-Content -Path "C:\CTW\FullChain\$($FQDM)\$($FQDM).pem" -Raw
$certificatePrivKeyPem = Get-Content -Path "C:\CTW\FullChain\$($FQDM)\$($FQDM).privkey.pem" -Raw
# You will need manualy push up CA cert(s)
# Update the vCenter certificate
Try { Set-VIMachineCertificate -PemCertificate $certificatePem -PemKey $certificatePrivKeyPem -ErrorAction Stop }
Catch { Write-Host "Failed to update vCenter certificate. Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red }
# Cleans up TLS certs.
Get-VITrustedCertificate | Where-Object { $_.NotValidAfter -lt (Get-Date) } | Remove-VITrustedCertificate
# Disconnect from vCenter
Disconnect-VIServer -Server $FQDM -Confirm:$false
At https://my-little-vcentre.example.co.uk there is a link to download Download trusted root CA certificates at the far right. You can pop the vCentre CA cert into Group Policy or /usr/local/shared/ca-whereverubuntuordebianputsthem/ and run update-ca-something. Anyway, browser CA trust is well documented when you work out what you are actually looking for!
You can’t grab a SSL cert from Lets Encrypt that you can use to mint your own certs (ie an intermediate CA), so I suggest you drop that line of enquiry.
Nice, I assume you’re using a deployment task like Deploy to Generic Server to export the certificate and private key files ready for upload to the API. IS your cert the fullchain.pem file or just the leaf cert? Often services need the fullchain so that they serve the intermediate. Windows is quite good at working around missing intermediates but other OSes tend to get upset.